I did not expect much for this very day to turn out into a day I longed for since I invest a large sum of cash for this (to me it's really a large sum). I am still able to do achieve my objectives and also had an alternative ending to the night which I never expected that turn out in a way that I totally did not see from the beginning. I felt apprehensive over what I sacrifice for, I almost back off from this but tonight it made me realize that if things you want did not reach into your hands, better things will come for you. Something that comprehend with your feelings and thoughts, a natural sense of wants and belonging.
It just does not feels like how it use to be for ditching your good friend you know for quite some time for someone you do not really know at all. The attraction of the opposites just kills off your own nature and self-conscious, just made you into someone you are not. Which is a vital situation to be in, a firm grip must be held on your virtue and princips and never let it down unworthily.
I manage to go for "Tyranny of 8" gig to meet up with my friend, just dropping by before heading on to a ball. Yes, the awkward moment being the only mass comm student to attend. Really glad to be sitted on the right table, ironically the name of the table is the name of hated-once-I-use-2-b-a-fan book/movie "twilight". Praise the good demon, I was sitted between two people whom I get to be friends with and able click really well. I would like to tell everyone not to miss a chance when you got it right in front of your eyes, do not hesitate if you really want it to be yours even for that moment. Because I blew that away with too much hesitation and doubts. Too much of a thought drives me into a state dilemma that will never end unless I decide firmly on what I choose, but what happen is due to my own actions and I face the consequences for it. If that is what you want, think less and do more, you only got one shot for that, it is now or never, and no matter what the effects are, at least you are courageous enough to stand up for your aims and desire (a proper desire).
My mission had failed. Misleading recon of the whole situation. Anyway, things turn out well in the end. A night to enjoy with new people whom I considered as friends during the night and beyond into the future. Things did not turn out the way I expected, but it was still in a good way or even better. Something we could not tell in life, we will never expect how the plot will twist for you in the end, a subconscious mind that give you what you deserve better without realizing it...\m/...
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