When one live their lives with the will to learn and to being acceptance to every changes that comes and go, it is time where they will learn to reawaken from what they thought is the real world they live in. It is always fun to poke fun of people, getting the attention, gaining fame, brag about oneself over the capabilities they actually have, down-grading others to promote your own better abilities, what's worse humiliate your friends and create a not-so-good perception of your friends to others. There are more than just what is listed out, but it is enough being said for now. Many people tend to do things like that, because it is hell easy to be done and it gives a high satisfactory rate.Yes, laughter and many more laughter to you and those who lay upon their ears. What does it feel being the one who got laughed at for some embarrassing moments, moments that you only want to keep it under limited breach. As shitty as it may sound, its shittier to be one to feel it. You make others look bad in order to make yourself look good, you speak great of yourself in every ways, the awful pride you garner within your soul, you think other's could not do better than you, discriminate others in a way that is beneficial for you. Does it sound totally an act of absurdity? Do you realize that you actually are doing it without realizing it, because it feels good isn't it, yes, evil deeds are fun and easy to be done, even subconsciously. It is in-born within all of us. Self-control and humility plays an important role in the life of all humanity, moreover, an essence that strives people to their age of victories. Never it was in-born, but should be learnt, realize and cultivated within all. I know how people always say, why should we be someone we are not, let us just be ourselves. Being true to yourself in a way that takes away all your value, was never how people be themselves. If people were to always be themselves, to actually be TRUE, 99.99% of the human population in this world will be born despicable demons and filthy angels. Think about it, if you think you are really true to yourselves, why are you still following the rules, heeding the words of your parents, and instilling some pieces of moral values within yourself. Your self-control is there to not be the true demons you are, as the theory implies from the biblical review, humans like you and I are born sinners, we are sinners since the day we breath air out of our mother's womb. We are vulnerable to lust and desires, the feeling of false satisfaction, to satisfy our inner wants.
Humility is one of the hardest value to be practiced among people. It takes hard work and self-control to let your ego and pride down for a time being. Many people do not want to feel defeated or be defeated in the eyes of the others. They want to show how big they can be, how big they can do and so on and so forth. Thus, competition is born among people. A good thing or the other way round? A debate that could go on for ages, but as for me personally, humility is one of the key to gain true respect from people. It is and never was easy to achieve that sense of value. As we all know, how technology has progress and how the world is becoming so competitive, so-called modern people see traditional values as something of the past that should not be placed in the present-modern-day, something they would always like to say "OUTDATED" or "OLD-FASHION". To what I see on people who thinks this way are naive, more naive than they could be. Those values aren't out just for fun, there are reason why it lasted for centuries and millenniums, there are reasons why it was created to be taught to the people of the world. Everyone of us has to admit we got our own ego and pride, sometimes it tends to get out of control. But think about it, successfully practicing a value that counter your hard super ego, isn't that an achievement that we should all be glad off because it is and never was easy to achieve. A true insight of the beauty off a decent and good life as a human being. We all end up getting sucked into our own ego and pride, raising and maintaining your pride by all means even to discriminate others, something we cannot be proud off. \m/
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