Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Eternal War...\m/...

      Humans know the art of achieving happiness, we know the reason behind every depressing thoughts that comes, we all know the removal of attachment, the cure to every reason to be sad. How much motivation can one read, how much advice can one absorb, how much words can you devour, but nothing, it all comes in vain. Without a conscious, humans are swayed by the air of of thoughts that grow into emotions. The eternal battle that wages on, the one man war, for all ages is against their very own reflection.
       Looking into the mirror, you see your very reflection staring back at you, what does it says to you, what does it signifies to you, is that you in the parallel realm of the opposites, the alternate you that reflects what is bounded within your existence. You tell yourself how you ought to be, but what is stopping you is you yourself that comes to speak. So to speak, we are all alone, no matter how many people we have around you, all you got is yourself to choose and see between the lines of your life. You feel the satisfaction of being around people, you laugh and talk and have fun in every situation, but what does it represents only the one that the speaks of his mouth and not his heart, no matter how much friends we got, the family we have, we are still lonely beings who would just ourselves to our own world. he falls into his hollow years of decay, an abyss of his own. Feeling everything around him, yet to know that he is all alone contemplating the order of his existence. Everything is nothing, and nothing is everything.
      Loneliness the essence of thoughts. Loneliness the purification of the mind. Loneliness the detachment of emotions. Loneliness that fills the empty vessel. Loneliness provokes imaginations. Loneliness the source of illusions and delusions. Loneliness the decisive of what you ought to choose to be. Being alone is one that is hard to bare, nobody wants to be alone. Nobody wants to feel the dilemma between them of who and what they are. Being alone is facing your demon, the painstaking emotions that disturbs, you talk to yourself silently or aloud, you feel lost in the midst, nothing is there that could help. What you think might be the cure, is nothing and no one but your very own self. Humans find companionship in one another to keep themselves happily alive, living in lies, succumb to false happiness was never a cure, it is nothing but self-escaping from the reality of your inner self. Everything is dwelled withint you, the problems that occur, you take it on your own. Holding it back, suppressing it in your guts, you feel your need to regurgitate but you hold it back to. You open your mouth, nothing comes out but a choking sensation. The torment you put yourself through, when it could be done by just releasing it calmly from the mind, and to clear your soul. One feel the need to be depress, the need to feel down to satisfy what your mind wants. You complain of how terrible you felt when you let it come upon yourself. You open the door to sadness. You never realize but you are enjoying what you are going through. A sense of masochism of your emotions. You place yourself from illusions to delusions. You never care of anything that goes around you. You let yourself sit in the corner of your large room and go through a sense of claustrophobia from your thoughts and feelings.
      The worst enemies comes from loneliness, the battlefield of our own shadows. The battle of our own mind, body and soul. Only one who could defeat him/herself shall they deserve the qualification to help others defeat their own demons. Never be a hypocrite of telling others what to do and you could not do it on your own. Overcome your loneliness, make it as a partner of yours who will go through every single moment of hardship and happiness. Embrace your ever existence with compassions of your own. In the end we are all lonely creatures, we are originally of our own. Never can you escape this reality because it will always end up in your very own mind and soul. Where the decisive choice is made, is who you ought to be. To be alone, or to be one with loneliness...\m/...