Monday, August 4, 2014

Shedding to Cessation \m/

Terrorazor, Terrorazor, what happens to your might, Terrorazor? On the fateful day of July the 13th, your shadow is gone without a trace, you fade into your abyss, never to return since. I hear you Terrorazor, in my dreams you came to me, whispering your words of ever despair;

"My dear boy, my vessel, my sword, my protection, here I am to say my words you never knew. What you have asked of me, you are left in the dark, I abandoned you for I no longer am of need to you nor am I ever the greatness you hail of. On the 13th of July, I have fallen to my disgrace. From that day onwards, I am put to shame at every second, to face my sorrow from my four walls in my chamber and out to the world all I see is my regret and shame. I have lost my heart and my soul, my mind wanders and screams in silence, my tears flow blood out of my sockets, to wish for death I cannot for I am tormented in an eternal deathless realm. Eternal pain and sorrow, sadness burns me, fiery rage and fury takes over me. Living is worse than hell itself 10 times fold. Thus, I leave you, my boy, for I have failed to live on where you stand. I am deluded of the existence of my soul that I never had, I have seen the truth of horror, I am fading into my neverending abyss. My boy, now I leave the door open for you, to step into a new light, the golden light of purity and virtue, chivalry and morality, nobility and honesty, the only truth that ever exist, only you can find. Liberate yourself, learn well and teach the universe of what you gained, save all realms of ignorance and reap it off its suffering. Farewell now my boy, in time I hope I shall never see you again, may our path never cross once more. You must learn to live, learn to teach, learn to liberate... You must learn to love her..."

I open my eyes. Terrorazor was nowhere to be seen or heard, no matter how loud I called for Terrorazor but no sign of answers to be known of. Terrorazor is gone and the sun shines its ray through a new day...\m/

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