Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Judging the judgeless \m/

People always misjudge one to judge on the first impression but the fact is what causes the first impression comes from the action preceding your first impression. It is your actions that you do not realize that makes you being judged at first sight. Your actions comes from your ego that you plant it on your outer physiques that make the first impression of yourself. I am judging you not on the first impression but the cause of your outer first impression. Why do you that is my question? It is my statement preceding to your first impression. Everything boils down to the ego, the selfish need of attention and all things of the self. Naive it is for those who tell others not to judge others when all is judging one another while all is having their egos. Those who defend themselves from being judged and those who judge are purely made of their ego. You want to prove that first impression, first judgment and judging by not knowing, has already made you being judged as a being of full pride and selfish ego. Your defensiveness has shown your pride but you are just the same of ego. It creates worse impression with your statement of justification.

So many things, humans are doing uncobsciously without their thinking mind. Even those who think, are mighty ignorant.


Love \m/

Love is both side of extremity. One can be way more than a best friend and one can be way worse than an enemy. One can treat you more than a king and one can put you in the lowest lifeform of humanity. Love revive and love destroys. Love is madness and love is serenity. Both side of the extreme exist in one love. Love, can never ever be trusted. \m/

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Discomfort \m/

Time flies, days past him by like the everflowing wind, sounding the chime in his head to remind him of every second that has past out of his existence. The second month is approaching, nothing seems to get any better, just the risk getting higher. The restlessness is neverending, never forgiving, self-inflicting perseverance on his own. Yet, nothing is still, nothing is calm, he just wants more, to be out of his head. It is murderous, yet it could not kill, but forever tormenting. The cure is just an illusion, there is no salvation. \m/

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A guiding hand to a killer's hand \m/

In helping one, it creates attachment. He wants to help, and he must help until one is change for the best. But one do not heed his guidance, but he do not give up in providing any guidance in any way. "Never give up" is the hindrance of his own well being and more problems shall arise from there.

When help is given, he should know when to stop before his helping hands turn into a murderous hand. To all, to help is to only guide those who seeks your guidance, never find those you think is in need for you shall find hostility in your way. Never attach oneself to help for its part of an attachment to the self.

If one cannot help another, one must let them be and walk away. Their mind is so shrouded and deluded, that no matter how much you do to help, to make them realize their mistakes, they shall only find hostility in you. For they want to do in accord to their feelings, to take refuge in their comfort zone, and to feed their ego with their own rationality. Time shall tell, or maybe their next life shall decide how they become, the cost of not willing to learn, understand and practice is all in their own mind/heart to decide...\m/

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Lifeless \m/

Everything that is stated was tested. The test had proven all to be true, not mere theory but the profound truth of the universe. All that he read is all that he is facing, it seems that it is speaking directly to him than to the general lay humans. That is the power of the supreme truth of truth. The truth is there but not able to be seen, it can wake the universe or only through the mind of the awaken thus it shines and all heaven and hell is left behind for only those who are still in their deep slumber of never-awakening. He begins his journey...\m/

Only the pure is real \m/

He was told that he spoke like a monk, a sign of becoming one holy man. He use to think that monks are ridiculous, similar like how others think of monks. It was a view in most that sees monks as a being who waste their life by abandoning all the so-called pleasures, enjoyment and essence of life in the world. Monks are superficial beings who only speaks of holiness in the most serious manner as they could. Monks are clowns in most people inner perspective, humans look at them with disgust and jest in their minds, but yet again, humans never look within themselve of how, what and who they are to make laughter out of the noblest act in life.




Monk/nuns are beings who highly exceeded layman abilities physically and mentally. Monks/nuns are individuals who have seen the through the universal truth and has made entry into the stream to change for the best to guide all lay humans to liberation. Monks/nuns are beings who are noble and virtuous for they are able to abandon their lay people life that is filled with neverending desires and attachments. Monks/nuns must be respected for their actions and their achievement to see the only truth of living. Monks/nuns are venerable beings for their patience, their insights and their pure mind that is ready to achieve Nibbana. Monks/nuns are pursuing the path of purity and true cessation from all worldly things, which makes their words from their thoughts alot wiser than lay humans out there in the world. The words of monks are words of kind intentions, without ego, and full of patience and understanding to guide humans to the right path.

So is there anything wrong for those who speak like a monk, for they might have took the hard initiative to learn the truth deeply from wise monks and ancient beings? Aren't the ways of the monks are far more noble than those around you? For monks are rid of all desires, obtaining a pure mind, right view, right character and mindfulness, they speak, without ego, and speak only of the truth to guide all to be awaken. It has nothing to do with being a disciplinarian, but only a kind helping figure to show the right way and walk away if one does not agree with them. The path of the holy beings are completely different to any lay humans. Never make jest out of monks/nuns, never look down at them, never laugh at them, never insult them, for you humans are in no place to comment anything about them with your weak sleeping undeveloped self. Shame on you humans.

In regards to above, he only speaks of true monks. Fraud and evil monks are not included in the text above. \m/

Monday, August 4, 2014

Shedding to Cessation \m/

Terrorazor, Terrorazor, what happens to your might, Terrorazor? On the fateful day of July the 13th, your shadow is gone without a trace, you fade into your abyss, never to return since. I hear you Terrorazor, in my dreams you came to me, whispering your words of ever despair;

"My dear boy, my vessel, my sword, my protection, here I am to say my words you never knew. What you have asked of me, you are left in the dark, I abandoned you for I no longer am of need to you nor am I ever the greatness you hail of. On the 13th of July, I have fallen to my disgrace. From that day onwards, I am put to shame at every second, to face my sorrow from my four walls in my chamber and out to the world all I see is my regret and shame. I have lost my heart and my soul, my mind wanders and screams in silence, my tears flow blood out of my sockets, to wish for death I cannot for I am tormented in an eternal deathless realm. Eternal pain and sorrow, sadness burns me, fiery rage and fury takes over me. Living is worse than hell itself 10 times fold. Thus, I leave you, my boy, for I have failed to live on where you stand. I am deluded of the existence of my soul that I never had, I have seen the truth of horror, I am fading into my neverending abyss. My boy, now I leave the door open for you, to step into a new light, the golden light of purity and virtue, chivalry and morality, nobility and honesty, the only truth that ever exist, only you can find. Liberate yourself, learn well and teach the universe of what you gained, save all realms of ignorance and reap it off its suffering. Farewell now my boy, in time I hope I shall never see you again, may our path never cross once more. You must learn to live, learn to teach, learn to liberate... You must learn to love her..."

I open my eyes. Terrorazor was nowhere to be seen or heard, no matter how loud I called for Terrorazor but no sign of answers to be known of. Terrorazor is gone and the sun shines its ray through a new day...\m/

Friday, August 1, 2014

Blessed are the Grateful \m/

You have a beautiful face, you are gifted with charm and attraction. You are born in a worldly perfect manner with workable limbs and senses. A family who cares, Parents who raise you up and taught you well, siblings to be there for your wellbeing. Yet, you seek for more, more neverending perfection to your impermanent existence. Have you not be bless with a shelter to live under, food and water to keep you alive, clothes to cover you from shame, cold, heat, external consequences, tools to help you in your daily chores and work which all contributes to your comfort and convenience? You have access to wisdom and knowledge in this world of ridiculously convenient technologies.

There are many out there who wants to take your place in life. You are born into this life with complete blessings to fulfill your livelihood, yet you crave for more. You are never grateful for your becoming of this world, the worldly perfect condition you are given. Good begets good, whereas bad begets bad, that is the universal law. Have you ever thought why you have all this blessings? You are the blessings of a good path you thread in your past life, your past effort and hardship comes with the prize of what you are today. Do not waste your merits that you work for so hard, do not waste the merits of your Parents to give life to a great being like you. Stop your trivial pettiless craving, it may seem no harm today, but bit by bit it becomes a mountain of suffering. Step out of this delusional realm and see through the right view.

One to be a human is never easy, moreover, human life is short. Yet, you are never grateful. Appreciate of what you are blessed with, the perfection of who you are, is priceless. Do good, do what is right, protect yourself and serve your Family well. Make this short life, a life of virtue and nobility, to die in honour without remorse, to end this life with a smile of the virtues you had done. Death is uncertain, you shall die a minute later, an hour, tonight, tomorrow or the day after or anytime. It shall be a hindrance for you to die incomplete, with regret of the virtue you never obtain. You use what you are blessed with for good and only good, to be grateful, to be modest, to be virtuous. You have everything to make it easier to succeed through the good path, make good use of it, because one day, you shall wish you are born like who and what you are today. \m/.