Thursday, May 2, 2013

Changing Nation (Part 3)...\m/...

If Anwar Ibrahim and the other PR leaders have many flaws, then those people from BN also are in the same shoes as them or maybe worse (murderer, child rapist, high end racism, cronism, corruption, etc etc etc). No evidence for all those claims? Let the investigators find out themsleves. The PR manifestos or the BN transformation programme are empty words, we will never know until we find out ourselves after election.

So to say, both parties cannot be trusted, then why not just revolt to all and rule your own life? Doubts and doubts over one another, accusation and accusation towards one another. Here is a better solution, WHY NOT EVERY SINGLE PERSON STAY HOME ON THE 5TH MAY AND DO NOT VOTE ALL? Oh I forgot BN has phantom voters to help them too...

What is wrong with a change of 5 years to come, the majority are the struggling classes who have been suffering all this while for decades, what is the worse that could happen if PR actually does not work as expected? How much we endure over the decades, we can endure for another 5 years, who knows it might make the future opposition improve for the better. Some of them are not extreme PR supporters, but they are extreme for a change in the hope for a brighter future...

P.S: Do not give anymore chances to those who never learn and continue to place fear and threats in the peoples' livelihood...


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