Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The stands for the inevitable...\m/...

The history that brought us here today in this 21st century ground where we stand firm to countless events that occur above this very soils. The soils of the earth, the ground of the world we stride along on our daily life, stain by the many bloods of the past, people live and die to their glorious and shameful death, winners and losers, tears of sorrow shed, everything all upon the common land that all humans walk.

War that sets the dynasty and period of the land, that brings upon a change to our culture and the mixture of bloodlines that forms the race that existed today. How can we ever deny war among human beings, how much can you resent the casualties that befall upon your bloodline? War is the battle for a cause of each side that involve in it. Each fight and die for their cause and belief, each sacrifice their most honourable men in battle, honourable man to their family, honourable man to their nation, honourable man to just a single individual. All of them are related to one another.

War is inevitable when it comes to sides of highly conflicting beliefs and low level of tolerance. There will be many people giving supports for either one of the sides. Some even get involve the war directly fending them of from each other. Anyone can be a soldier fighting in the war, it could be your father, your grandfather, your brother, your husband, or maybe even females like your mother or sister or wife who serve in the military for any of the sides. Casualties occurs when civilians get caught in between. No one can escape the harsh reality of war, you can't just resent a side or individual who cause the death of your beloved. They are doing their own duty to fight for their cause and to defend for their cause, your love ones or any relatives chose the path to fight in a war that may never survive. If they do not chose it themselves, still they fought a great battle defending their rights and keep you alive today. But to resent a side or individual for the cause of their death is not appropriate as it seems. Your bloodline spans for many generations and hundreds or thousand years ago your ancestors or any relatives in your past were killed in the more epic history changing battles, why do you not resent them for what they do tou your ancestors in the past yet you revel in histories and romanticise stories of the great that you read.

No matter what sides, both of them fight for their cause, and you do not know the situation they are in before resenting what has happen in the past. This blinded you to create hatred towards that particular belief, individual or group. War has been in every nation from the past until now, face it, that war starts a new culture, creates a society, and dwells you into the education you are studying today. When it hits you, you feel it emotionally, the cruelty that is brought upon you how inevitable, yes you may start to kill your enemies. You want vengeance, a vengeance on a whole against an army of battalions ahead of you, those armies that fight for the good of their nation and group and also even fought for the rights of you living out here in this era.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Learn to live...\m/...

Practice the art of teaching, not the art of spoon-feeding. When one is too dependable on something, they will not be able to live and learn anything new without it. When working hard with a mind gives one of the highest wisdom one can ascend to, gaining experience points and leveling up to a whole new being of one.

Never or to avoid donating money to charity especially the orphanage is one of the biggest flaws to be done. Donation of money is said to be generous and virtuous by those who receive, yes money is the essential tool to live well, but money is just the end product of your work and what else to come is how you deal with it. It is never wrong to be generous, but it is wrong to be wrongly generous. By giving money continuously, it is a self habit and becomes a nature of the orphanage to receive money for the welfare of the children. In the end, all is rely on the money donated and when they stops giving, it will be a maybe a little difficult for the welfare to survive on its on.

Be generous, be generous by giving knowledge, teaching them new skills, and inject them with the appropriate sense of ethics and morality into the children. If one is truly noble, one will give in their time to teach the children what they need to know. Donate books, books of knowledge of the world, teach them to read the news and to develop their own sense of thought. They got nothing to lose but themselves, as they are orphans, they are soon to be grow up into the world by their own unless they are adopted by a well-to-do family. 

When they reach a certain age, let them out to work, find them an appropriate job for them to do, earn their own pocket money or allowance, show them face of the world hidden from them inside the welfare. Teach them to be independent and to know what is right or wrong. Exchange your experience with them, take away their ignorance. Orphans are indeed the one who could learn better and faster than children under the influence and protection of their parents. They are the ones who could come out. Some people have the impression that orphans are highly delinquent, if they are, is that they are not given the proper attention and knowledge needed. Children are naughty, that is inevitable, but they should learn and be taught the limits of their behavior. 

Don't rely on schools to teach them what they need to know, they need special attention from truly experience and knowledgeable ones who could give in their time well with them. They have been through hardship without their parents care and love, show them the way to go through hardship, teach them to deal well with hardship, they are the ones who could develop deeper insights when they understand the life they lead.

Children are the future of the generation to come. Do not pamper them and shower them with meaningless gifts, junk food, and money, show them the way work towards their goals. Make those gifts as their reward to their achievements and excellence. Especially orphans have greater opportunities to learn as they are living alone without their parents other than their caretakers. It is also the responsibility of the caretaker to teach them well. Shower them with knowledge, generate their mind to think, at least create the path for them live a life of a good example to all beings...\m/...