How good or bad are you in your difference, has the same quality of grey line as being different from others. Being different has a large grey line and it is so vague to know what is different and what is not. The most literal perception you can put is being different in the most extreme way you can be, being evil when all is being good, and being good when all is evil, yet good and evil exist another grey line within them. A vague picture to describe about it is. But certain points will describe to as close as how one can is TRULY different from one another.
Being different can simply be describe as doing things that are uncommon among the common, being and looking different among others, the tiny light among the darkness, the darkness among the light, the pig among the cows, the dead rose among the living red and so on. Some are nurtured to how they are, which makes them naturally different, some just defy the common and goes against the flow of the oncoming tides, some endure the tempest among those who take shelter from it. Certain way of being different is just not literally meant you do what others don't, if not you will be walking naked on the street while everyone wears clothes. And the example can go on and on.
For one who want's to be extremely different from others, one have to endure many criticisms from others, and to not care about what others think of you, no matter how hard and cold you are, you still have the little bit of yourself of wanting to look good (a vague statement of what is good) in front of others. To look in a way that impresses others, or to say to have people looking at you in a 'good' way. If that need still goes through within you, can should just follow part of the flow and not let it be to harsh on yourself on being different.
You still can look the same when being different, sometimes difference comes from within, how you look like is not like how you are expected, 'Do not judge a book by it's cover' quote comes in with this. You may look like the rest, but your interest differs from the common, you may look nerd (how the society define the looks of nerd) but you are actually an active figure in the heavy metal scene or you play great sports. You may look like a tough soldier but you love pink and barbie dolls. Being a metalhead while you love listening to oldies and soft tunes. Being different can be said to be unexpected from what society expects from you. To be away and out of the stereotype of what people gives you. That is how you are different.
Being different can be one who does great feats that produces changes in the world and create a history to be remembered off all ages. There are too many people in the past that place a mark on the world history and how it is today, they may look like any layman like us out there and most of them start off with a background similar to many of us, but what makes them TRULY different is their achievements and contributions they made, the pioneers to a certain matter like art, music, architecture, governance, or a revolution of culture and practices in all around the world or that changes the mindset of majority of the population in this world. This include tyrannical dictators out there, no matter the heavy casualties and impact they did, they mark themselves as being different from others. Can anyone be as capable as them in achieving such great distance in their lives? How fare are you willing to go?
Being different by creating something that no one had ever thought off. Being a pioneer to a product, work or art that no one has ever seen before. In the past, there always innovators who create what we use for daily usage and also create the very first form of music and their genres we listen to everyday, like classical and renaissance music that marks a great change in how music is written and creating a work that utilize a certain language fully and a work that challenges the mind and recreate the mind of the people. Creating an original work is something that is hard to achieve as today, many things that satisfy humans have been almost fully achieved of today, thus there is a new age ideology where it sets off to encourage humans to improve their cosmic existence. If no one could be a pioneer or an innovator to a new invention, one can recreate something that already exist in a way that no one else had ever thought off, to spark off a difference of variety in 1 particular category of matters in this world. That is another difference to be made. However, people are sometimes afraid of creating something that no one else does before, they afraid of rejection, worse still, they are afraid to be criticise, what cou
ld get worse, their work could be considered as a blasphemy or a creation of an abomination, and what is more worse is that they could be despise and hated by society. It is alright if you do not mind being look in a bad way by others, many pioneers in the past creates many doubts within them, and look where they stand and how everything of theirs so common in help to all of us. Take the risk and challenge yourself if you must. Moreover, a challenge and risk is always inevitable.
Be bad when all is good, be good when all is bad, one of the most extreme ways to be different. To go against the tide, to kill when no others dare to. To go against the orthodox of society, to distant yourself from the expectation of society. The fight psychologically and physically against the orthodox and risk being condemned. However, there will be an impactful result out of being bad among the good, one will never know, but off such theoretically, it could recreate the bad you are into something good among the people. And what most people can think off is putting up a balance within society, good and bad can't exist without one another such as light and darkness can't exist without one another. Whichever it is, do it for a purpose, doing for being blatantly different will just make a swine out of you, but still it is something different if that is what you extremely wish to be.
Everyone is different in one way or another, but the formation of society with it's moral rule and regulation, laws and order that makes people technically the same with one another. The expectations that creates an orthodox in your beliefs and thoughts puts it in a similar way with each other. How one is raised in a land, in a way that is thought to be commonly safe is a thought that it is the best and safest way to be raised. Similarites exist and it is hard for one to be truly different if they wish to. Defy the laws, defy everything and you may achieve what you wish for. Furthermore, the thing that matters more is how much difference you are within yourself mentally and (maybe) part physically that puts you away from the common walks of life. The distance of your thoughts, the amount of wisdom in your soul, that creates an understanding and clarity that not many could see already sets you ahead from others. A difference is made within yourself and it is set for you to create a whole new world for the people. And when that time comes, things will be the same again and another one emerges to recreate or create a difference from what you left behind...
Everyone is different in one way or another, but the formation of society with it's moral rule and regulation, laws and order that makes people technically the same with one another. The expectations that creates an orthodox in your beliefs and thoughts puts it in a similar way with each other. How one is raised in a land, in a way that is thought to be commonly safe is a thought that it is the best and safest way to be raised. Similarites exist and it is hard for one to be truly different if they wish to. Defy the laws, defy everything and you may achieve what you wish for. Furthermore, the thing that matters more is how much difference you are within yourself mentally and (maybe) part physically that puts you away from the common walks of life. The distance of your thoughts, the amount of wisdom in your soul, that creates an understanding and clarity that not many could see already sets you ahead from others. A difference is made within yourself and it is set for you to create a whole new world for the people. And when that time comes, things will be the same again and another one emerges to recreate or create a difference from what you left behind...