Saying sorry means more than just admitting your mistakes and repent for what you have done. It is more of a way to obtain permission for the actions you did or going to do, putting commands in your actions that you will do it no matter what, or just a formality or courtesy to perform the actions you are about to or have done. We know we will be sorry yet we still do it, people know it is wrong and they still perform it, why to say sorry later when you can prevent it. Sorry became a word of courtesy or indication that you will do it over your dislikes. To lighten things up you say sorry after what you have done and expect things to go the way you wanted to, or you say sorry before doing it to impose a position where no one have a say to your actions and you will still do it despite any consequences.
Sorry became a word of permission or to tell people in a nice way that you are doing it out from your own wants and needs, to satisfy your internal pleasure and that you are a being who is full of yourself and cares about your own egotistical mind. It puts a person in a state where they got no choice whereas in the end it is their choice to do it, and sorry is being used to solve everything. You know what you going to do will bring consequences and you say sorry for doing it, which does not mean you will not do it, you will still do it out from your own wish and pleasure. The meaning of sorry does not put one in a state of remorse or repent anymore. But a word to impose your own order, a word of courtesy to what you are doing, an indirect permission that no one can object. When one says they are sorry, look deeper in their words and actions, you will see more than just a sorry, it was never a sense of realizing their own mistakes because they will still do it again and again and again, and by using the word sorry is just another way of courtesy to your actions. Never was it meant to tell that they truly learnt their mistakes, they never did learn a thing...\m/...